Monday, July 11, 2011

Okapi Workout Program Phase 1 (update week 1)

*Disclaimer: You should contact your physician before starting any new diet/exercise program*

So, I did my week 1 weigh in this morning and I'm down 5 pounds. That is a great week 1 loss, but that's not what I'm most excited about; I'm excited that I'm still really motivated by the plan. I like the fact that I'm upping the amount of body weight exercises that I'm able to do (two push-ups in a row day 1 was rough, five in a row day 3 was easier), I have more energy, and my muscles are sore in a good way. The soreness is one of the best parts because it makes me feel like I'm actually getting somewhere and encourages me to keep going.

The reason that I lost so much weight week 1 had a lot to do with my lifestyle prior to the workout plan: I did nothing physical and paid no attention to what I was eating. Also, more muscle means more calories burned doing nothing, so there is that.I have been on weight loss programs before where I lost this much weight if not more in the first week, but none that I was excited about after the first week, so I'm making progress.

I love working out at home because I can wear whatever I want, make as much noise as I want, hang out with the dogs on my minute long rest breaks, and break up the work-out if need be. This is great because it makes all of my excuses disappear. I'm also happy to announce that "Fancy" will be joining the program this week :)

It is awesome that I can do this with minimal equipment (laptop, timer (I use Mr. Droid), small dumbbell, exercise ball, long stick, and chin-up bar). I had all of this stuff prior to starting the program, so I spent no money. Even without the exercise ball, chin-up bar, and dumbbell I would still be able to do 75% of this workout plan, so it can be free for pretty much anyone. Oh, and I can move all of it out of the living room once my workout is complete.

Next week starts Phase 2 of my plan, so stay tuned!

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